- Open napariOpen napari.napari contributors (2019). napari: a multi-dimensional image viewer for python.
- napari-stable-diffusionOpen napari-stable-diffusion.
- Open napariOpen napari in the nesoi environment.
- Scan images as PNGs.An Album solution for scanning images into PNG files in a directory.Kyle Harrington.
- Convert PNGs to zarr.An Album solution for converting a directory of PNGs into a zarrKyle Harrington.
- Parent environment for physarum.computational.life.A parent environment for physarum.computational.life solutionsKyle Harrington.
- Open a Physarum zarr in napari.An Album solution for viewing a Physarum zarrKyle Harrington.
- Parent environment for some napari cryoet tools.A parent environment for cryoet solutionsKyle Harrington.
- Scan images as zarr.An Album solution for scanning a timeseries into a zarr file.Kyle Harrington.
- Livestream images as PNGs.An Album solution for scanning images into PNG files in a directory and live tooting.Kyle Harrington.
- Java-based software parent solutionParent of Java-based software solutions: Fiji, ImageJ, ImgLib2, etc.SciJava community.
- sciviewsciview is a 3D/VR/AR visualization tool for large data from the Fiji communitysciview team.
- Split pngs into subdirs of cropped dishes.Split pngs into subdirs of cropped dishes.Kyle Harrington.
- PDB File DownloaderA utility to download PDB files from a list of PDB IDs.
- Game of Life Simulation using pygfxAn album solution to run a Game of Life simulation using pygfx with zoom functionality.Conway's Game of Life
- An environment to support multiple physical visualized artificial life simulationsAn album solution that contains a generalized environment for alife simulations.Kyle Harrington
- Boids Swarm Simulation using pygfx and pybulletAn album solution to run a Boids swarm simulation using pygfx and pybullet.Boids Algorithm
- Snake-like Simulation using pygfx and NumPyAn album solution to run a snake-like simulation using pygfx and NumPy with Hooke-style springs, sinusoidal joint rotations, gravity, and floor interactions.Kyle Harrington
- Virtual Creatures Simulation using pygfx and NumPyAn album solution to run a virtual creatures simulation using pygfx and NumPy with Hooke-style springs, sinusoidal joint rotations, gravity, and floor interactions. The agents are randomly connected.Kyle Harrington
- An environment for visualizing artificial life simulationsAn album solution that provides a generalized environment for visualizing alife simulations using napari.Kyle Harrington
- Penrose TilingAn Album solution that generates and displays Penrose tiling patterns using napari.
- Recursive Pattern GenerationAn Album solution that generates recursive patterns and displays them using Napari.
- Particle sands v02 patternAn Album solution that generates particle patterns and displays them using Napari.Original by Samuel Yan: https://openprocessing.org/user/293890?view=sketches&o=48.
- Langton's Ant SimulationAn Album solution that simulates Langton's Ant and displays it using napari.Langton, C.G., 1986. Studying artificial life with cellular automata. Physica D: nonlinear phenomena, 22(1-3), pp.120-149.
- Barnsley Fern L-SystemAn album solution that generates and displays a Barnsley Fern L-system using napari. The fern transitions from brown to green as it grows.Prusinkiewicz, P., & Lindenmayer, A. (1990). The algorithmic beauty of plants. Springer Science & Business Media.
- 3D Terrain Visualization with Perlin NoiseAn Album solution that visualizes 3D terrain using Perlin noise and displays it as a dynamically changing surface using napari.Perlin, K., 1985. An image synthesizer. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 19(3), pp.287-296.
- An environment for interactive napari workAn album solution that provides a generalized environment interactive napari solutions.Kyle Harrington
- Webcam with Langton's AntAn Album solution that captures a webcam feed and simulates Langton's Ant interacting with the feed using napari.Langton, C.G., 1986. Studying artificial life with cellular automata. Physica D: nonlinear phenomena, 22(1-3), pp.120-149.
- Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction SimulationSimulates the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction using the Oregonator model.Field, R.J., Körös, E., Noyes, R.M., 1972. Oscillations in chemical systems. I. Detailed mechanism in a system showing temporal oscillations. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 94(25), pp.8649-8664.
- Webcam with BoidsAn Album solution that captures a webcam feed and simulates boids interacting with the feed using napari.Reynolds, C.W., 1987. Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 21(4), pp.25-34.
- 3D Boids Paint with Pose Tracking controlling boidsAn Album solution that simulates boids interacting with hand landmarks tracked from webcam and paints boid positions into a 3D image.Reynolds, C.W., 1987. Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 21(4), pp.25-34.
- Boids with BZ Reaction TrailSimulates a boids swarm painting trails in a Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction field.